Breaking the circle

kr 375

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Minner, historier, forgagne liv. Ting som helst skal være gjemt og glemt kommer til overflaten. En manns skjebne gjennom et utall liv følges tett av krefter utenom menneskelig innblanding

Breaking the circle Jorek Hansson lives almost as a hermit on a small homestead far from people. By coincidence he comes in contact with a family of Syrian refugees. A strange friendship evolves. Soon, entities from Jorek’s past interfere with the hermit’s everyday life, throwing him into a maelstrom of memories he really did not want. He starts to remember, past lives, and memories long buried about his present day life. How he lost the ones he love, how he turned away from society and chose to live by himself far from people. And through all his lost memories, a monster is hunting him and his wife, through centuries and through many lives. He enters a quest to stop this monster that has been haunting his memories of other lives, and still does in his present day life. With him on the journey, he has his old crew of special operating soldiers. Boka kan kjøpes hos Amazon:  

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... skriver helst bøker som bruker gamle legender, sagn og "eventyr" sammen med en handling lagt til vår tid. Frem til nå har han også helst skrevet på engelsk, har kun en bok på norsk. Bruker mye av egen viten og interesser hos hans hovedpersoner.


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